Installing EHCP (Easy Hosting Control Panel)

EHCP is a powerful, yet easy to install control panel that allows the user to manage services such as Web, FTP, Database and DNS servers.

The install script handles the installation and configuration of the required services. I recommend starting with a clean Debian system to avoid conflicts.

1. Download required EHCP files


2. Uncompress the files

tar zxvf ehcp_latest.tgz

3. Move into the install directory and run the install script

cd ehcp

Read the instructions carefully, your server will send statistical information to the EHCP developers. If you choose to move on, the install script will install all required packages including Apache, MySql and Postfix. You will need to provide some information to configure the services and set the admin passwords.

4. When the installer is finished, enter the control panel using: http://yourserver.

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